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We the People DEMAND the release of the JANUARY 6 Political Prisoners

WHEREAS: There is not a single levelheaded, unbiased legislator without a personal stake in the outcome, on the J6 committee.

WHEREAS: This commission is essentially illegitimate from the start.

WHEREAS: They are clearly trying to hide something, as they will not release 1,400 hours of video footage, and many other anomalies.

WHEREAS: The government is required to provide speedy trials. And this has gone on way too long.

WHEREAS: The federal government has held the January 6 th participants without charges, bail, or public hearings in clear violation of Habeas Corpus.

BE IT RESOLVED: The Wyoming Republican Party DEMANDS an accounting of the conditions and treatment of these political prisoners.

BE IT RESOLVED: The Wyoming Republican Party DEMANDS the release of the J6 Political Prisoners IMMEDIATELY!

BE IT RESOLVED: The Wyoming Republican Party DEMANDS the inclusion of the 80 plus “Suspicious Actors,” in proper trials.

BE IT RESOLVED: The Wyoming Republican Party DEMANDS these people be allowed to stay at home, with their families, work their jobs, while they await a fair, unbiased, and speedy trial, in an appropriate court.

BE IT RESOLVED: The Wyoming Republican Party DEMANDS the end of this TOP-DOWN INSURRECTION.


Wyoming Republican Party, 22 Nov 12 SCC

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1 comentario

Blake Wollman
Blake Wollman
28 ene 2023

Deep state are the criminals!

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