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Supporting Military Staff & Opposing Dishonorable Discharge for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party strongly supports our military men and women in Wyoming and around the world; and

WHEREAS, the Biden Administration has mandated the COVID-19 vaccine upon them; and

WHEREAS, reports of adverse actions, antithetical to our fundamental American values, are being taken against these brave and honorable men and women including discharges being considered as other than honorable or even dishonorable; and

WHEREAS, the contract between the Defense Department and each individual is written by the government, thus is one sided, not allowing the member to opt out of any type of executive mandates;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party strongly supports our nation’s service members, and if they leave or are dismissed from service for refusing to comply with this mandate, that only an honorable discharge shall be granted to them; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party urges other Wyoming County Republican Parties to support this resolution as well and send it to our federal elected officials in support of the COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act.


Wyoming Republican Party, 21 Nov 13 SCC


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