WHEREAS, we live in critical times for America, we have huge decisions to make with all of these new developments. We The People Can choose to continue this march into a violently, oppressive, totalitarian, might-make-right type of governance - or we can choose to return to our Founding Ideals of LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
WHEREAS, All must be understood as ALL;
WHEREAS, ALL people must have Equal access to Justice;
WHEREAS, ALL people must be Equally held to Just Laws;
WHEREAS, ALL Just Laws must be upheld in a Just and Equal way;
WHEREAS, ALL Un-Just Laws constitute Crimes;
WHEREAS, all Government Employees who Un-Justly harm a neighbor, must be
brought to Justice, even if their Actions were in the “job description”;
WHEREAS, no skin color, no income bracket, no community status, no badge, no
uniform, no title, no state license, can ever sway justice;
WHEREAS, the state is an institution of man;
WHEREAS, the State is made up of an operated by fallible humans;
WHEREAS, Governors, Legislators, Police, Game Wardens, Inspectors are all
neighbors, and have NO superhuman authority;
WHEREAS, the State, logically, has no more authority than your neighbors, with no superhuman powers;
WHEREAS, the stroke of a pen cannot sway what is Good, Right, or Just;
WHEREAS, Laws which require State Employees to treat their neighbors in Un-Just way, give State Employees a Superiority Complex;
WHEREAS, if political activists petition the State to do anything to your neighbors that would be a crime if you did the same thing to them, you are really just making the state a criminal;
WHEREAS, if a State-employed neighbor thinks he or she has superhuman authority, and uses that supposed authority to harm a neighbor, EVEN IF IT IS IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION, they are still criminals;
WHEREAS, many of our “Laws” constitute crimes. This leads state employees to
believe they have the authority to use force against a neighbor who has harmed no one;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party urges the Legislature to remove all Laws that amount to Un-Just harm to anyone, and EQUALLY enforce only Just and True Laws.
Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15 SCC