WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports reasonable and safe
development of all natural resources;
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party recognizes the cost, time and regulatory difficulty of obtaining permits for mineral extraction on federal, state or private lands; and
BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the environmental impact study (EIS) including NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) processes to be dramatically streamlined to reduce said factors; and that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitting process of leasing, drilling and producing minerals should be dramatically simplified as well; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that this process shall include a 6 month cap on the permitting
timeframe; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that Wyoming Republicans call for the reversal of EPA regulations known as the Clean Power Plan; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for domestic energy
exploration and production to proceed without Federal obstruction.
Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention