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Run-off elections

WHEREAS there has been a past history in Wyoming where three or more candidates appear on the Primary ballot for a given race, and whereas often two of these candidates strongly adhere to the Platform and Resolutions of the Wyoming Republican Party, and thus, split the true Republican vote, and whereas this splitting of this vote often results in the election of a third candidate, which the majority of voters do not prefer,

BE IT RESOLVED that 50% plus 1 of the total votes cast for any given race be required in order for the winning candidate to become the nominee to be placed on the General Election ballot, and if no candidate receives 50% plus 1 of the total votes cast for any given race, a special Run- off Election will be held for the top two candidates, prior to the printing of the General Election ballots, to determine which of these two candidates will be placed on the General Election ballot, and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party take all appropriate action to make whatever Legislative changes are needed to bring about the implementation of run-off elections.


Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15 SCC


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