WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes the unfortunate need to have a formal bylaw related to, and formal agreement addressing, the nature and expectations of confidentiality within the Wyoming Republican Party; and
WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party fully supports the concept, practice, and implementation of the formal bylaw related to, and formal agreement addressing, the nature and expectations of confidentiality within the Wyoming
Republican Party based on the afore mentioned unfortunate need; and
WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that the 2020 Wyoming Republican Party State Bylaws were legally, properly, and officially adopted by a majority vote of the delegates to the Wyoming Republican Party State Convention on June 27 th 2020; and
WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that the legally, properly, and officially adopted 2020 Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws were legally, properly, and officially certified by the State Chairman and State Secretary in
accordance with Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws: Article IX; and
WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that the legally, properly, and officially adopted 2020 Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws were legally, properly, and officially submitted to, and accepted by, the Wyoming Secretary of
State within 30 days of their certification in accordance with Wyoming Statute 22-4-119 (b); and
WHEREAS, The content of the legally, properly, and officially adopted State Bylaws (Article V (1)(5)) includes the language “shall sign a statement of nondisclosure outlining the definition of confidentiality”; and
WHEREAS, The current Confidentiality Agreement of the Wyoming Republican Party states “Consistent with Robert’s Rules, the Wyoming Republican Party and the State Central Committee member agree that all information obtained
during Executive Session of the State Central Committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings is not to be shared with anyone who is not a member of the State Central Committee.”
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Wyoming Republican Party fully supports the following language be amended in the Wyoming Republican Party Confidentiality Agreement as per the mandate found in the Wyoming Republican Party State Bylaws Article V (1)(5): “Consistent with Robert’s Rules, the Wyoming Republican Party and the State Central Committee member sign this confidentiality agreement and agree that all information obtained during Executive Session of the State Central Committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings is not to be shared with anyone who is not
a member of the State Central Committee. “Confidentiality” means that no information learned or received during executive session, disciplinary proceedings, political plan briefings, presidential campaign representative visits, election-related budget discussions or other information deemed confidential by the Chairman and ratified by the State Central Committee by a majority vote may be shared with anyone who is not a current State Central Committee member who has also signed a confidentiality agreement.
Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15