WHEREAS: Few men in the history of America have best exemplified the truest meaning of Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity, while upholding their oath to our Constitution as John C. Fremont.
WHEREAS: John C. Fremont was the first presidential candidate for the newly formed Republican Party who ran on an Anti-slavery Platform.
WHEREAS: Wyoming’s State Motto is “Equal Rights."
WHEREAS: John C. Fremont, an American military officer and an early explorer and map maker of the American West, who was one of the principal figures in opening up that region to settlement, which included Wyoming.
BE IT RESOLVED: That we the people of the Wyoming Republican Party do approve and support, the renaming of the Dick Cheney Federal Building in Casper, Wyoming, to the John C. Fremont Federal Building.
Wyoming Republican Party, 23 Feb 11 SCC