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Planned Parenthood Funding

WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that Planned Parenthood and similar organizations do exist primarily to recommend, refer, and or perform, actions that result in the termination of innocent life; and

WHEREAS, The State of Wyoming currently allows monies appropriated to the State Health Department to be used by State funded health facilities who refer clients to Planned Parenthood and other businesses performing abortions; and

WHEREAS, Planned Parenthood and similar organizations has engaged nationally in selling fetal tissue and body parts of aborted babies; and

WHEREAS, The first plank of the Wyoming Republican Party Platform unquestionably opposes abortion.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Wyoming Republican Party formally recognizes that no Planned Parenthood organization or other businesses performing abortions should receive any taxpayer funds, directly or indirectly, from federal, state, or local appropriations; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Wyoming Republican Party formally recognizes that no State funded health facilities who refer clients to Planned Parenthood and other businesses performing abortions should continue to receive any taxpayer funds, directly or indirectly, from federal, state or local appropriations for as long as they refer to, or continue to utilize, any Planned Parenthood organizations or other businesses performing abortions.


Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15 SCC


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