WHEREAS, states across the Union are working to harden their voting systems against bad actors, foreign and domestic; and
WHEREAS, in addition to voter photo identification, the continued use of paper ballots, the avoidance of the use of the internet in any voting system, the implementation of election audits is becoming popular around the country; and
WHEREAS, election audits are performed when the polls close and also within a week of the polls closing; and
WHEREAS, an audit shall comprise both a results audit and a process audit; and
WHEREAS, the hand-counting of paper ballots shall be incorporated to any post-election audit, or results challenge, rather than only a machine recount; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party urges Wyoming lawmakers to develop election audit systems and manual recounts to further ensure the integrity of our election systems.
Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15 SCC