WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to United States Constitution is quite clear on protecting the natural right possessed by all U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms; and
WHEREAS, thousands of egregious laws that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms have been passed at the federal level and in many states; and
WHEREAS, many politicians are intent on passing additional, and never-ending laws, that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms, both at the Wyoming state level and at the federal level; and
WHEREAS, these laws have resulted in many otherwise law-abiding people having their lives ruined; and
WHEREAS, the politicians who propose these never-ending gun control laws are the same people who advocate for lenient sentences for people convicted of violent crimes and illegal entry into residences; and
WHEREAS, the politicians who propose these never-ending gun control laws are the same people who do nothing to address the dysfunctional micro-cultures that are the drivers of violence in high-crime neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the politicians who propose these never-ending gun control laws are the same people that advocate for more and more steps toward a totalitarian form of government; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party both recognizes and applauds the public declarations by Sheriff Scott Jenkins of Culpepper County Virginia who recognizes that, ultimately, law enforcement officers are the ones who must make a decision on whether to enforce unconstitutional laws. “Just doing my job” is not an excuse and never has been. Sheriff Jenkins is a role model to all Wyoming law enforcement leaders and is commended by the people of Wyoming for his courage.
Wyoming Republican Party, 21 May 15 SCC