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BLM and US Forest Service Restriction of Law Enforcement

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service

(U.S.F.S.) currently exercise law enforcement authority; and,

WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming contains lands supervised by the BLM and the

U.S.F.S.; and,

WHEREAS, citizens of the State of Wyoming have elected and empowered County and State law enforcement officials and agencies to exercise such representative law enforcement authority; and,

WHEREAS, local, County and State law enforcement personnel are the most familiar with the people, culture, and lands within the State of Wyoming; and,

WHEREAS, local, County and State law enforcement personnel and agencies have the capacity to resolve law enforcement issues within their jurisdictions in the most expedient manner and at the lowest level of legal force; and,

WHEREAS, the BLM and U.S.F.S. are exercising unrepresentative and unlawful law enforcement authority within the jurisdictions of local, County, and State lands; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Wyoming Republican Party does hereby support

legislative action to codify the elimination of law enforcement authority and related use of weapons from the Bureau of Land Management the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife, and USDA limit the exercise of law enforcement authority to local, County and State law enforcement agencies elected by and representative of the citizens of the localities, Counties, and State of Wyoming.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the federal agent can not act without the consent and presence of the county sheriff.


Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention


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