WHEREAS, legislative session 2022 HB0132 called for the establishment of a
standing committee on federal review which would provide Constitutional review, a critically needed push back against Federal government overreach, and
WHEREAS, legislative session 2022 HB00074 provides for a run-off election after a primary election for specified offices when no candidate receives a majority vote, and
WHEREAS, legislative session 2022 SF0097 provides for a change of party affiliation only prior to the first day on which an application for nomination may be filed under W.S. 22-5-209 and after the primary election but not less than 14 days prior to a general election, and
WHEREAS, legislative session 2022 SF0051 provides for fairness in women’s sports, prohibiting biological males from athletic teams and sports designated for females in public schools, and
WHEREAS, the above mentioned bills did not pass in the 2022 legislative session,
now therefore; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the passage of 2022 HB0132 in the 2023 legislature; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the
passage of 2022 HB00074 in the 2023 legislative session; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the
passage of 2022 SF0097 in the 2023 legislative session; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the
passage of 2022 SF0051 in the 2023 legislative session; and
Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention