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1 min read
Minimum Wage
BE IT RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party opposes any and all federal government actions, which may dictate salaries, minimum or...

1 min read
Reverse Federal Reserve Policy Devaluing Our Currency
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party opposes the uncontrolled printing or electronic WHEREAS creation of Federal Reserve notes by the...

1 min read
Resolution Demanding That Congress Is Held Accountable for Spending
WHEREAS, any citizen writing checks out on an account that has no money can be sent to jail, and; WHEREAS, our national debt has exceeded...

1 min read
Repeal of Dodd-Frank
WHEREAS, the Dodd-Frank Bill picks winners and losers, declares chosen banks and companies as too- big-to fail, therefore destroying...

2 min read
Resolution Calling for Immigration Reform
WHEREAS, illegal aliens are just that--illegal; and, WHEREAS, laws should always be enforced for the safety and wellbeing of the...

1 min read
Resolution Regarding Anchor Babies
WHEREAS, the status of babies born on United States of America soil should be determined by the status of their parents; now, therefore,...

1 min read
Resolution to Secure Our Borders and Follow Current Immigration Law
WHEREAS, legal immigration is one of the foundations of our country and all who comply with existing legal immigration laws are to be...

1 min read
Resolution to Ban Non-legal Resident Utilization of Public Benefits
WHEREAS, the utilization of public benefits by persons without legal residency in other states, such as California, has created massive...

3 min read
A Resolution Calling For Additional Measures to Secure the Border and Stop the Invasion at the Border and Protect the Communities of Texas and Beyond.
WHEREAS, the Preamble to the United States Constitution outlines the chief responsibility of the Federal Government is to “insure...

1 min read
Resolution to Require US Census Bureau to Verify Citizenship
WHEREAS, US congressional districts are designated based on census totals aggregated by the US Census Bureau; and, WHEREAS, the US Census...

1 min read
Refugee Resettlement
WHEREAS, the Federal Government supports a refugee program for resettlement in the United States; and, WHEREAS, there is no screening...

1 min read
Immigration and (Illegal) Immigrants
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party understands that municipalities in the state of Wyoming have public services proportionate to the...

1 min read
If a Person in Wyoming Is Stopped or Pulled Over and Are Found to Be Here Illegally, They Can Be Charged With a State Felony.
WHEREAS, public health experts agree that the number one cause of death of Americans aged 18-45 is drug overdose. Fentanyl has been...

2 min read
Wyoming Energy
WHEREAS, the state of Wyoming has been blessed with abundant wealth in the form of minerals crucial to the benefit of the United States...

2 min read
Permits and Regulations for Wyoming Energy Sources
WHEREAS, many companies are applying for permits for solar and wind farms with no intent to develop said farms; and, WHEREAS, these...

1 min read
Resolution Against Energy Subsidies
WHEREAS, it is the nature of government to be biased in selecting energy sources, to the detriment of our economy; now, therefore, BE IT...

1 min read
Against Social Credit Scores and Central Bank Digital Currency
WHEREAS, the practice of discrimination against any Wyoming inhabitants (individuals, associations, and companies) through use of their...

1 min read
Wind Turbines Not Subsidized
WHEREAS, a single wind turbine requires: 45 tons of plastic, 900 tons of steel, and 2500 tons of concrete leaving a large footprint in...

1 min read
Energy: Support of Coal Powered Electrical Generation
WHEREAS, as the Wyoming Republican Party knows carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential to ALL plant life on this planet and plants are the...

2 min read
Resolution to Save Our Hydroelectric Dams Lincoln County
WHEREAS, the Biden administration and groups such as Earthjustice have proposed to breach four of the Lower Snake River Dams. In the...
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