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1 min read
Healthcare Freedom
WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 38 of the Wyoming State Constitution states that adult individuals have the right to make their own medical...

1 min read
Resolution to Prohibit Performing Gender-Affirming Surgery or Providing Hormone Therapy/Blockers to Minors Under the Age of 18
WHEREAS, thousands of U.S. families have been weighing difficult choices amid soaring numbers of children diagnosed with gender...

1 min read
Sanctity of Life
WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence protects the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and, WHEREAS, we believe in...

1 min read
Blood to Be Labeled by Vaccination Status
WHEREAS, that 53% of Wyoming residents have taken the 1st and 2nd COVID vaccine along with the boosters and 61% 0f Wyoming residents have...

1 min read
Ban All Food That Contains a Vaccine or Vaccine Material Intended for Use in Humans to Stimulate the Production of Antibodies and Provide Immunity Against Disease
WHEREAS, designating the requested language in Wyoming Statutes and rules governing the Wyoming Department of Health, and Wyoming...

1 min read
Gender Assigned Bathrooms
WHEREAS, our Creator has designed male and female beings at conception; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party...

1 min read
Calling for the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act; Medical Care Reforms
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the immediate repeal or nullification of the Affordable Care Act and the...

1 min read
Regarding Freedom to Prescribe & Fill
WHEREAS, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention mandated qualified licensed medical professionals could not prescribe certain...

1 min read
Against Shutdowns for COVID-19 or Any Pandemic
WHEREAS, there are mandatory shutdowns of businesses and churches around the country; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming...

2 min read
Declaration of Art. 3 SEC. 3 Vacancies
WHEREAS the Wyoming Legislature has no authority to district the state other than in accordance with the limits placed on its powers by...

1 min read
Resolution to Refund Excess Tax Revenue to Wyoming Residents
WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming had a reported surplus of $2 billion during the last budget cycle and the Consensus Review Estimating Group...

1 min read
Each Wyoming County Should Be Represented by 1 Senator
BE IT RESOLVED, the WYOMING STATE REPUBLICAN PARTY believes that each Wyoming county should be represented by 1 senator. Passed: Wyoming...

2 min read
Natural Asset Company
WHEREAS, the SEC Commission issued a proposed rule to approve the creation of a new investment vehicle, the “Natural Asset Company (NAC),...

1 min read
State Convention Resolutions
BE IT RESOLVED by the Wyoming Republican Party that after State Convention and the resolutions have been certified by the Secretary of...

3 min read
Resolution to Support Repealing and Replacing the 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act – To Enlarge the U.S. House
WHEREAS, Our Nation’s founding battle cry was “No Taxation without Representation.” WHEREAS, Today, our individual citizens are federally...

1 min read
DEI Is Unconstitutional
WHEREAS the concept of DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) is inherently unconstitutional, suppresses 1st Amendment free Speech and has...

1 min read
Resolution to Oppose Ranked Choice Voting
WHEREAS, Traditional American primary and general elections ensure that voters who support one candidate, not a plurality of candidates,...

1 min read
Resolution of Support for President Trump
WHEREAS, loyalty to America is above all but for our loyalty to God and Family; and WHEREAS, we had four great years whereby President...

1 min read
No Article V Convention, Known as a Constitutional Convention
WHEREAS, rather than promoting an Article V convention, we should be challenging the myth of judicial supremacy, which has no...

2 min read
Return to Hand Counting in All Wyoming Elections
WHEREAS The Wyoming Constitution Article 6, Sec. 13. Purity of elections to be provided for. The legislature shall pass laws to secure...
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