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1 min read
Repeal Exemption From Promoting Obscenity
WHEREAS books, audio, video and other forms of media have been found in libraries in the Wyoming public systems that portrays...

1 min read
School Safety
WHEREAS, there have been 291 school shootings in the United States of America since 2013; and, WHEREAS, the average response time for...

3 min read
Reform the University of Wyoming
WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming was formed under the Morrill Act/Agriculture College Act of 1890, which states, “without excluding...

1 min read
Roll back Leftist Ideological Indoctrination
WHEREAS, the Left’s “long march through the institutions” included the capture of most American educational institutions, especially the...

1 min read
Secure Sanity for the Sexes in Schools and Sports
WHEREAS, gender ideology has led many young people into confusion about their own bodies and identities; and, WHEREAS, American schools...

1 min read
Promote Civics Education
WHEREAS, one purpose of education is to prepare students to be responsible citizens; and, WHEREAS, responsible citizenship requires...

2 min read
Pass an Educational Savings Account Program (E.S.A.)
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party is committed to the principles of educational freedom, parental choice, and individual empowerment...

1 min read
Cut the Department of Education and Restore Local AuthorityIn Education
WHEREAS, throughout the colonial, revolutionary, and early republican periods of American history, schooling was intensely local:...

1 min read
Expand School Choice
WHEREAS, parents have the right to make the best educational decisions for their children; and, WHEREAS, competition has benefited many...

2 min read
Republican Resolution to Revoke EPA Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding
WHEREAS, EPA in promulgating the Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding (GHGEF) failed its’ regulatory responsibility to use the best...

1 min read
Resolution to Private Property Rights
WHEREAS the United States Bureau of Land Management is charged by federal law with applying view shed regulations to federal lands or...

1 min read
Resolution to Ban Acceptance of Federal Animal Identification Program for Livestock
WHEREAS regarding livestock in the state of Wyoming, our Wyoming Livestock Board has an adequate and functional system in place for...

1 min read
Resolution on Sage Grouse Core Areas
WHEREAS Sage grouse Core areas have stripped private property rights from private landowners without notice or consent, restricting use...

2 min read
Wyoming State Sovereignty Over Matters Within the State Boundary
WHEREAS, all mankind is created equal and are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty,...

1 min read
Wyoming’s Water Rights
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports Wyoming’s primacy over its water and the doctrine of prior appropriation; and WHEREAS,...

2 min read
COOL and the Livestock Industry
WHEREAS, the top five beef slaughterhouses in the United States control 85% of the cattle slaughter market; and WHEREAS, the horizontal...

1 min read
Protection of Rare Earth Element Resources
WHEREAS, Wyoming is endowed with abundant rare earth elements; and WHEREAS, the rare earth elements are of vital national interest; and...

2 min read
“Net-Zero and “Carbon Negative” Policies
WHEREAS, Policy decisions related to the climate change hypothesis are potentially damaging to the environment, and must be transparent...

2 min read
Opposition to Executive Order #14008, the “30x30” Program
WHEREAS, Wyoming GOP Platform #4 states, “The pursuit by an individual to rightfully acquire, keep and enjoy his own property is...

1 min read
Against COVID Mandates
WHEREAS, evidence abounds regarding deleterious effects of some of the substances being used to vaccinate against COVID-19 and the many...
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