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1 min read
WHEREAS, it will be decades for Wyoming to dig out of the economic, spiritual and mental health devastation currently occurring as a...

1 min read
WHEREAS, the practice of discrimination against any Wyoming inhabitants (individuals, associations and companies) through use of their...

1 min read
Against Tax Increases
WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming and its people have long valued liberty, self- reliance and conservative values, and WHEREAS, the Wyoming...

1 min read
Social Security Benefits Reserved to Vested Contributors
WHEREAS, Social Security is a nationalized pension and disability fund paid through wage deductions of American Workers; and WHEREAS, the...

1 min read
Estate and Inheritance Tax (“Death Tax”)
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party opposes undue and unfair taxation; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the federal estate and inheritance tax,...

1 min read
Tax Breaks for Seniors
WHEREAS, many senior citizens in the State of Wyoming are on a limited income, many being at or below poverty level, BE IT RESOLVED that...

1 min read
WHEREAS, many cities, counties and states within the United States are allowing illegal residents and non-citizens to vote in local...

2 min read
No Settlement Without Representation
WHEREAS, Wyoming is a sovereign state under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; and WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court...

1 min read
English as the official language of the U.S.
WHEREAS, we believe that the ability of a country’s citizenry to communicate is essential; and WHEREAS, we believe that multiple...

1 min read
Sanctuary Cities For Illegal Immigration
WHEREAS, “Sanctuary city for Illegal Immigration” is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States to prevent the...

1 min read
Subsidies for Illegal Immigrants
WHEREAS, we believe unrestricted illegal immigration is an economic and national security threat to the United States; and BE IT...

2 min read
Immigration Reform
WHEREAS, we believe illegal aliens are by definition breaking the law; WHEREAS, we believe the driving force of illegal immigration is...

1 min read
Energy Independence
WHEREAS, the United States is dependent on unstable regions and nations; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the country should develop our own...

1 min read
Harden the Grid
WHEREAS, the Congress and Federal Government are not hardening the electrical grid of the U.S. against attack; and BE IT RESOLVED, that...

3 min read
Hydrogen Energy Projects
WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming’s geographical climate zones consist primarily of areas of arid desert, semiarid steppe (short-grass...

1 min read
Opposition to Eminent Domain
WHEREAS, the State prohibition on eminent domain for wind collector systems has expired, and the Wyoming Republican Party supports...

1 min read
Discourage Closing of Coal-fired Power Plants
WHEREAS, Wyoming has an abundance of economical and low sulfur coal reserves; and WHEREAS, coal-fired plants are an economical and...

1 min read
Disposal of Wind Turbine and Solar Arrays
WHEREAS, the useful life of a current or present day wind turbine is twenty years after which they must then be disassembled and disposed...

1 min read
Energy Subsidies
WHEREAS, it is the nature of human administrations to be biased in selecting energy sources possibly to the detriment of our economy; and...

1 min read
Streamline and Simplify Energy Regulations, Permit Processes
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports reasonable and safe development of all natural resources; WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican...
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