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1 min read
2022 Legislative In-actions to be Reintroduced in 2023
WHEREAS, legislative session 2022 HB0132 called for the establishment of a standing committee on federal review which would provide...

2 min read
Wyoming Election Improvements
WHEREAS, Wyoming is not the “Gold Standard” of election processes and, as such, be open to election improvements, WHEREAS, every legal...

1 min read
All State and County Elected Officials be Subject to Recall
WHEREAS, The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic; WHEREAS, The Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth amendments...

1 min read
In Support of the Current Composition of the United States Supreme Court
WHEREAS, there have been calls to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court of the United States, some calling to increase the...

1 min read
Opposing Civil Asset Forfeiture
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports private property rights; and WHEREAS, law enforcement has the ability to take a citizen’s...

1 min read
Processing plant
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports the legalization of horse slaughter and permitting of processing plants in the...

1 min read
BLM and US Forest Service Restriction of Law Enforcement
WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (U.S.F.S.) currently exercise law enforcement authority; and,...

1 min read
Constitutionality of Bills
BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party requires that all legislation, federal and state, be within the constraints of both the...

1 min read
End Unreasonable Search and Seizure of Citizens’ Data
WHEREAS, the National Security Administration has been found to spy on American citizens via telephone, the Internet and drones; and...

1 min read
WHEREAS, in 2018 the Wyoming state legislature overwhelmingly passed the Stand Your Ground bill, HB 168, which became law without...

1 min read
No Exemptions For Elected State and Federal Officials From Laws
WHEREAS, the President, the United States Congress, its members, staff, other federal government officials, and officials of the state of...

2 min read
Religious Liberty
WHEREAS, the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution proclaims, “Congress shall make no law respecting an...

1 min read
Election Integrity
WHEREAS, public confidence in our federal election system is at an all-time low, and Wyoming voters remain steadfastly committed to...

2 min read
Obscene Materials in Public Schools and Libraries
WHEREAS, a nationwide effort exists to introduce children to sexuality as early as possible; and WHEREAS, sexually explicit books that...

1 min read
No Red Flag Law
WHEREAS, the Republican Party Platform #3 supports the right to bear arms without restrictions; and WHEREAS, this freedom is being...

1 min read
Patriot Act & National Defense Authorization Act
WHEREAS, The Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act has been used to spy on American citizens via telephone, the Internet...

1 min read
Federal Policies and Treaties that Threaten Wyoming's Economy
WHEREAS some federal policies and international treaties threatens Wyoming's economy, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party...

1 min read
Wyoming Business Council
WHEREAS Wyoming State GOP Platform #9 states, “Liberty is indivisible from economic freedom. The free-market economy is the economic...

1 min read
Repeal of Dodd-Frank
WHEREAS, Dodd-Frank Bill picks winners and losers, declaring chosen banks and companies as too-big-to fail, therefore destroying...

1 min read
Supply Chain
WHEREAS, the recent COVID-19 pandemic and other recent issues have brought to light weaknesses within the supply chain and energy...
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