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1 min read
Freedom of Ideas on Tech Platforms
BE IT RESOLVED that Wyoming Republican Party supports free, open, and civil debate on any and all issues on social media and tech...

1 min read
No Medicaid Expansion
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for NO Medicaid Expansion. Passed: Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State...

1 min read
Anti-Legalization of Marijuana
WHEREAS the legalization of marijuana (cannabis) fosters crime, homelessness, unemployment, drug related hospitalizations, economic...

1 min read
SOGI (Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity)
WHEREAS equal protection under the law demands protection against personal injury or property loss, but cannot demand affirmation of...

1 min read
Protection of Minors from Gender Transition Treatments
WHEREAS God created only two biological sexes, male and female; and, WHEREAS minors can not consent for medical procedures and, RESOLVED,...

1 min read
Protection of Health Care Provider
WHEREAS, the healthcare provider/patient relationship is sacrosanct; and, WHEREAS, the government should never interject itself into that...

1 min read
Military Vaccine Protections
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports religious, medical and other exemptions from an experimental or emergency use...

2 min read
Vaccine and Medical Mandates
WHEREAS, public medical policy has been influenced by the drug companies and insurance companies, and regulations in making laws and...

1 min read
Right to Life
WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are based on the God given rights of man, the most...

1 min read
Resolution Supporting Parental or Legal Guardian Rights
WHEREAS, the right of parents or legal guardians to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a fundamental right...

2 min read
A resolution in support of state sovereignty
WHEREAS, Thomas Jefferson, in penning the Declaration of Independence, rightfully proclaimed it a self-evident truth that whenever any...

1 min read
Nuclear Debacle
WHEREAS, House Bill 0131/ Senate File 0105 propose to allow a company to install nuclear powered generating plants tax free for 40 or...

1 min read
State and Federal Boards, Commissions, and Councils
WHEREAS, Wyoming State Government has over 200 various boards, commissions, and councils, including the Transportation Commission which...

1 min read
Limit the Power of the State Government Licensing Agencies
WHEREAS, our state government used their licensing power to control openings and closing during the pandemic. WHEREAS, they did so in an...

1 min read
Each Wyoming County should be Represented by 1 Senator
WHEREAS, United States Constitution Article III, Section 2 does not grant the U.S. judicial branch authority to meddle in internal State...

1 min read
Federal Debt and Spending
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party recognizes the Federal Government has proven its inability and/or unwillingness to spend wisely and...

1 min read
Elected Attorney General
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Attorney General is currently an appointed position; and therefore not accountable to the people; and WHEREAS,...

1 min read
Legislative Transparency
BE IT RESOLVED, that all individual votes in the State legislative bodies be recorded and published by Legislative Service Office (LSO),...

1 min read
Federal Agency Rule-Making Curtailment
WHEREAS, the federal government issues a large number of rules every year through bureaucratic rule making; and WHEREAS, Congress was...

1 min read
Electoral College
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party Supports and celebrates the National Electoral College System in its Constitutional...
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