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2 min read
Restoration Of American Education Based On American Core Values And Tenets
WHEREAS, The State of Wyoming’s quality of education in our boundless state, and across our celebrated nation, is at its most detestable...

1 min read
US Citizen Test for High School Students
WHEREAS, President Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the...

1 min read
Student Wellbeing
WHEREAS the current social culture continues progression toward confusing gender identities and that this confusion is infiltrating our...

2 min read
Reject critical race theory ideology
WHEREAS, The belief that race is a determinant of human traits and capabilities leading to the belief that there is inherent superiority,...

1 min read
Transgender Indoctrination
WHEREAS, parents are responsible for their children under the age of majority and have the right and responsibility to raise and educate...

1 min read
Abolish State Department of Education
WHEREAS, we the people have the primary duty to educate our children and we have delegated certain, limited power to the government to...

1 min read
Gun Safety Program
WHEREAS, gun ownership is fundamental to the rights of American citizens; and WHEREAS, Wyoming has more guns per capita than any other...

1 min read
School Safety
WHEREAS, federal and state governments have shown that “one size fits all” policies for school defense are a complete failure; and,...

1 min read
Resolution that University of Wyoming Board of Trustees be elected by the Popular Vote
WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming was founded as a Land Grant college as defined by the Morrill Act of 1862; WHEREAS, the University of...

1 min read
Get BLM Out Of Wyoming
WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management manages 18.4 million acres of public land in Wyoming; and WHEREAS, the BLM manages a full 42.9...

1 min read
Wyoming Water Rights
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports Wyoming’s primacy over its water and the doctrine of prior appropriation, WHEREAS such...

1 min read
Wyoming Sovereignty Public Lands
WHEREAS, the federal government is failing to administer public lands in the best interest of the state of Wyoming and these lands are...

1 min read
Foreign Government Ownership of Land
BE IT RESOLVED, we do not believe that foreign governments should own property in Wyoming. Passed: Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7...

3 min read
Water Use By Hydrogen Plants
WHEREAS the State of Wyoming’s geographical climate zones consist primarily of areas of arid desert, semiarid steppe (short-grass...

2 min read
Opposition to Executive Order #14008, the “30x30” Program
WHEREAS, Wyoming GOP Platform #4 states, “The pursuit by an individual to rightfully acquire, keep and enjoy his own property is...

1 min read
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food Inspection Services (FSIS) does not have specific labeling; WHEREAS,...

1 min read
Abolishment of the US Environmental Protection Agency
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for the abolition of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And...

1 min read
Anthropogenic Climate Change
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party opposes legislation and regulation in response to the hypothesis of anthropogenic...

1 min read
Defund CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting)
WHEREAS, the CBP supports the operations of nearly 1500 locally owned and operated public television and radio station; and WHEREAS, CBP...

1 min read
Ten Commandments and Retain God in Pledge of Allegiance
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports the display of the Ten Commandments in all schools, courthouses, and other...
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