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1 min read
We the People DEMAND the release of the JANUARY 6 Political Prisoners
WHEREAS: There is not a single levelheaded, unbiased legislator without a personal stake in the outcome, on the J6 committee. WHEREAS:...

1 min read
Get the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) out of Wyoming
WHEREAS the Bureau of Land Management manages 18.4 million acres of federally managed land in Wyoming; and WHEREAS, the BLM manages a...
1 min read
Standing Rule: Meeting Fees for Counties Delinquent in Paying Shares
Any county parties who are delinquent in their shares shall be required to pay a fee to be seated and participate in meetings of the...

1 min read
2020 Election Investigation
WHEREAS: The FBI's Cover-Up of Hunter Biden's Laptop potentially swayed the outcome of the election. WHEREAS: The Coordinated Effort of...

5 min read
WHEREAS in the last 15 years there has been an explosion in the number of minors in the United States self-identifying as transgender as...

3 min read
Resolution to Keep Elk Feed Grounds in Operation
WHEREAS, history tells us that prior to 1900, at the turn of the century elk were being fed by the private sector, as the valley was...

1 min read
Whereas: The CDC voted to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the list of childhood immunizations; and Whereas: this vaccine has not been proven...

1 min read
Party Registration Cutoff Date
WHEREAS the primary election process in Wyoming and throughout the United States is being manipulated by opposition parties to negatively...

1 min read
Wyoming's Economic Powerhouse of Industries
Whereas: Wyoming has a diverse economic base relying on the exploration and use of Wyoming's abundant natural resources both above ground...

1 min read
Resolution in Support of the Republican Candidate for the WyomingOffice of Secretary of State
Resolution in Support of the Republican Candidate for the Wyoming Office of Secretary of State, Chuck Gray and Condemnation of the...

3 min read
Repeal of Language in Title 22 That Causes Unconstitutional Political Inequality
WHEREAS, Wyoming is known as the “Equality State” and our state motto clearly displayed on The great Seal of the State of Wyoming as well...

2 min read
State Convention Order of Business
We, the Wyoming Republican Party Central Committee, desiring to fully complete the business of Wyoming Republican Party 2022 State...

4 min read
WHEREAS, numerous courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have held that political parties have Rights of Free Association under the...

1 min read
Transgender athletics
WHEREAS, there are more and more male, transgender, athletes entering the school female athletic sport programs; and WHEREAS, if this...

1 min read
Resolution in Support of Wyoming’s Mineral Energy
WHEREAS, the state of Wyoming has been blessed with abundant wealth in the form of minerals crucial to the benefit of the United States...

1 min read
Redistricting in Wyoming
WHEREAS, the United States of America is a representative republic governed by specific principles to protect minorities from the...

1 min read
A Resolution in Support of the March for Life
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party Platform 1 states that all individuals are endowed by their Creator from the Moment of Conception...

4 min read
FUEL TAX - 22LSO-0032
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Platform states in its 9th plank “Liberty is indivisible from economic freedom. The free-market economy...

2 min read
Recall Elections
WHEREAS, On September 22 nd 2021, Speaker of the House Eric Barlow and President of the Senate Dan Dockstader issued a public statement...

1 min read
End the Economic Invasion of Wyoming
WHEREAS: Obama unilaterally crashed the Coal market during his term, and some suspicious characters bought up much of Wyoming’s industry....
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