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2 min read
Call for Censure
Calling for censure of Senator Larry Hicks and Representative Steve Harshman. WHEREAS, the ability to disagree while respecting the...

2 min read
Majority Elections
WHEREAS, our republican form of government requires the people’s political power be exercised through representatives elected by the...

2 min read
Limit Voting Registration and Party Affiliation Changes upto but not on Election Day
WHEREAS: Our laws should exist to protect the sacred right of legal citizens to vote; and WHEREAS: limiting registration and party...

1 min read
Opposing Mandatory COVID Vaccinations in Wyoming
WHEREAS, the Biden administration wants to require citizens to be vaccinated against COVID and/or be tested weekly as a condition of...

1 min read
Opposing Bills Against Vaping for Adults
WHEREAS, vaporizing nicotine and non-nicotine liquids has been around for at least a dozen years; WHEREAS, “vaping” has proven to be a...

2 min read
Resolution to stop 2021 SF 55 and 2021 HB133
re Licensing of vendors of gambling and/or games of chance Whereas, the Joint Committee of Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural...

1 min read
In Support of Election Audits and Manual Recounts
WHEREAS, states across the Union are working to harden their voting systems against bad actors, foreign and domestic; and WHEREAS, in...

3 min read
Second Amendment Sanctuary State
WHEREAS, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a...

1 min read
Legislature Not to be Overridden by Courts
WHEREAS the Wyoming Legislature establishes the source and amount of taxation for support of the state government, and WHEREAS there is a...

1 min read
Run-off elections
WHEREAS there has been a past history in Wyoming where three or more candidates appear on the Primary ballot for a given race, and...

1 min read
Supporting selection of Republican nominees by caucus and convention
WHEREAS, Wyoming’s election laws do not recognize or respect the fact that the “primary” is a means to select, or nominate, the...

2 min read
Calling for a review of wildlife laws & policies re state sovereignty
Whereas, Wyoming continues to have federal agencies acting in opposition to the State’s desires and directives regarding how wildlife is...

1 min read
Office Holders and Republican Party Platform
WHEREAS, loyalty is a two-way street between constituents and those holding the public trust through their service as office holders; and...

1 min read
Upholding of Republican Party Values
Whereas, elected officials who run and get elected as Republicans then refuse to stand on our Platform give the Wyoming Republican Party...

2 min read
Supporting Conveyance of Federal Lands to States
WHEREAS, the continued United States government ownership and control over the public lands unappropriated to the Western States at...

5 min read
Call for an Audit of the Federal Government
WHEREAS the Wyoming Constitution unequivocally asserts in Article 1, Section 1, “All power is inherent in the people, and all free...

1 min read
Against Tax Increases
WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming and its people have long valued Liberty, self-reliance & conservative values. The Republican Party, from...

1 min read
Reverse Federal Reserve Policy Devaluing Our Currency
WHEREAS the Wyoming Republican Party opposes the uncontrolled printing or electronic creation of Federal Reserve notes by the Federal...

1 min read
Reduce the Size of Federal Government
WHEREAS, our Founding Fathers believed that the government that governs least, governs best and the size and authority of the present...

1 min read
Balanced Budget Amendment
WHEREAS the continued growth of the federal deficit threatens the security and sovereignty of our nation, and WHEREAS fiscal restraint is...
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