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1 min read
Eminent Domain
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports the primacy of private property rights as recognized by the Constitution of...

1 min read
County Polling Locations
WHEREAS, some county residents already travel significant distances to existing polling locations; and WHEREAS, combining polling places...

1 min read
Governor Appointee’s to Boards
WHEREAS, the Governor’s appointees to the committees are split 4-3 by political affiliation at the governor’s discretion; and WHEREAS,...

1 min read
Rumble Strips
WHEREAS, traveling across Wyoming roads is done by many motorists (commercial, tourist and personal); and WHEREAS, the maintenance and...

1 min read
Social Security
BE IT RESOLVED, that we believe that Social Security tax funds should be used for Social Security benefits only. Passed: Wyoming...

1 min read
Elected Official Vacancy
WHEREAS, in Wyoming, the major political parties are closer to the people who elected a person to carry out the responsibility of a...

1 min read
Application of Social Security Taxes to Congress
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports members of the US Senate and the US House of Representatives being subject to...

1 min read
Rejection of Non-Legislative Federal Orders
WHEREAS, previous presidential administrations have circumvented the legislative process thereby muting the voice of the people; BE IT...

1 min read
Limits on Land Valuation
WHEREAS, property taxes have doubled since 2008; and WHEREAS, the Wyoming Legislature and the Governor have knowingly passed laws which...

1 min read
Equal Application of the Law
WHEREAS, the Congress and the President are exempt from the Affordable Care Act and other laws applied to the American people; BE IT...

2 min read
Fourth Amendment Protection Act of Wyoming
WHEREAS, We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,...

1 min read
WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to United States Constitution is quite clear on protecting the natural right possessed by all U.S. citizens...

2 min read
WHEREAS, the average tenure of a member of the United States House of Representatives is 6.5 years; and WHEREAS, the organization U.S....

1 min read
Wind Energy and Taxation
WHEREAS the State prohibition on eminent domain for wind collector systems has expired, and the Wyoming Republican Party supports...

2 min read
Breach of Decorum by Representative Steve Harshman
WHEREAS, On October 28th , the third day of the 2021 Special Session of the 66th Wyoming Legislature, Natrona County Representative and...

1 min read
Stock Fees
WHEREAS the State of Wyoming is a large producer of beef, WHEREAS the beef industry of Wyoming supplies local beef to stores and...

1 min read
Supporting Military Staff & Opposing Dishonorable Discharge for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party strongly supports our military men and women in Wyoming and around the world; and WHEREAS, the...

1 min read
Opposition to the Implementation of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project
WHEREAS, Critical Race Theory is Marxist in origin but uses race instead of class struggle to achieve its ends; WHEREAS, Critical Race...

1 min read
Opposing Mask Mandates
WHEREAS, Mask mandates are medical tyranny; WHEREAS, Mask Mandates have no place in a free society and violate informed consent...

7 min read
Rescinding Recognition of U.S. Representative Liz Cheney as“Republican” Representative
WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that an elected official of the United States House of Representatives cannot be...
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